Collection Postman Echo

Postman Echo is service you can use to test your REST clients and make sample API calls. It provides endpoints for `GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, various auth mechanisms and other utility endpoints. The documentation for the endpoints as well as example responses can be found at []( 
Time: Wed Jun 26 2019 20:04:46 GMT-0300 (-03)
Exported with Newman v4.5.1





Prerequest Scripts


Test Scripts




Total data received

12.58KB (approx)

Total run duration


Average response time


Requests Tests Success

Requests Tests Failed

Requests Without Tests



Bad response time

Best response time

Request Methods 6 Requests
Passed - GET - GET Request
200 - 559ms - 354B
The HTTP `GET` request method is meant to retrieve data from a server. The data is identified by a unique URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). A `GET` request can pass parameters to the server using "Query String Parameters". For example, in the following request, > The parameter "hand" has the value "wave". This endpoint echoes the HTTP headers, request parameters and the complete URI requested.

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response body has json with request queries
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - POST - POST Raw Text
200 - 148ms - 561B
The HTTP `POST` request method is meant to transfer data to a server (and elicit a response). What data is returned depends on the implementation of the server. A `POST` request can pass parameters to the server using "Query String Parameters", as well as the Request Body. For example, in the following request, > POST /hi/there?hand=wave > > <request-body> The parameter "hand" has the value "wave". The request body can be in multiple formats. These formats are defined by the MIME type of the request. The MIME Type can be set using the ``Content-Type`` HTTP header. The most commonly used MIME types are: * `multipart/form-data` * `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` * `application/json` This endpoint echoes the HTTP headers, request parameters, the contents of the request body and the complete URI requested.

Body Request
This is expected to be sent back as part of response body.
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response body has json with request body
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - POST - POST Form Data
200 - 103ms - 580B
The HTTP `POST` request method is meant to transfer data to a server (and elicit a response). What data is returned depends on the implementation of the server. A `POST` request can pass parameters to the server using "Query String Parameters", as well as the Request Body. For example, in the following request, > POST /hi/there?hand=wave > > <request-body> The parameter "hand" has the value "wave". The request body can be in multiple formats. These formats are defined by the MIME type of the request. The MIME Type can be set using the ``Content-Type`` HTTP header. The most commonly used MIME types are: * `multipart/form-data` * `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` * `application/json` This endpoint echoes the HTTP headers, request parameters, the contents of the request body and the complete URI requested when data is sent as a form parameter.

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response body has json with form data
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - PUT - PUT Request
200 - 103ms - 562B
The HTTP `PUT` request method is similar to HTTP `POST`. It too is meant to transfer data to a server (and elicit a response). What data is returned depends on the implementation of the server. A `PUT` request can pass parameters to the server using "Query String Parameters", as well as the Request Body. For example, in the following raw HTTP request, > PUT /hi/there?hand=wave > > <request-body>

Body Request
This is expected to be sent back as part of response body.
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response body has json with form data
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - PATCH - PATCH Request
200 - 108ms - 562B
The HTTP `PATCH` method is used to update resources on a server. The exact use of `PATCH` requests depends on the server in question. There are a number of server implementations which handle `PATCH` differently. Technically, `PATCH` supports both Query String parameters and a Request Body. This endpoint accepts an HTTP `PATCH` request and provides debug information such as the HTTP headers, Query String arguments, and the Request Body.

Body Request
This is expected to be sent back as part of response body.
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response body has json with form data
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - DELETE - DELETE Request
200 - 185ms - 565B
The HTTP `DELETE` method is used to delete resources on a server. The exact use of `DELETE` requests depends on the server implementation. In general, `DELETE` requests support both, Query String parameters as well as a Request Body. This endpoint accepts an HTTP `DELETE` request and provides debug information such as the HTTP headers, Query String arguments, and the Request Body.

Body Request
This is expected to be sent back as part of response body.
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response body has json with form data
1 Passed
0 Failed
Headers 2 Requests
Passed - GET - Request Headers
200 - 102ms - 412B
A `GET` request to this endpoint returns the list of all request headers as part of the response JSON. In Postman, sending your own set of headers through the [Headers tab]( will reveal the headers as part of the response.

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
sample request header should be returned in response body
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - GET - Response Headers
200 - 103ms - 29B
This endpoint causes the server to send custom set of response headers. Providing header values as part of the URL parameters of a `GET` request to this endpoint returns the same as part of response header. To send your own set of headers, simply add or replace the the URL parameters with your own set.

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response has the headers sent as part of request query
1 Passed
0 Failed
sample request param should be returned in response body
1 Passed
0 Failed
Authentication Methods 4 Requests
Passed - GET - Basic Auth
200 - 162ms - 22B
This endpoint simulates a **basic-auth** protected endpoint. The endpoint accepts a default username and password and returns a status code of `200 ok` only if the same is provided. Otherwise it will return a status code `401 unauthorized`. > Username: `postman` > > Password: `password` To use this endpoint, send a request with the header `Authorization: Basic cG9zdG1hbjpwYXNzd29yZA==`. The cryptic latter half of the header value is a base64 encoded concatenation of the default username and password. Using Postman, to send this request, you can simply fill in the username and password in the "Authorization" tab and Postman will do the rest for you. To know more about basic authentication, refer to the [Basic Access Authentication]( wikipedia article. The article on [authentication helpers]( elaborates how to use the same within the Postman app.

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response body has json saying 'authenticated'
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - GET - DigestAuth Success
200 - 104ms - 22B
This endpoint sends a hashed Digest Authorization header to gain access to a valid `200 Ok` response code. In Postman, it uses the stored [global variables](, `echo_digest_realm` and `echo_digest_nonce`, to generate the hashed authorisation header. Within Postman, for this request to successfully authenticate, running the previous request "DigestAuth Request" stores the relevant information within the global variables.

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response code is 200
1 Passed
0 Failed
body contains authenticated
1 Passed
0 Failed
Failed - GET - Hawk Auth
200 - 102ms - 44B
This endpoint is a Hawk Authentication protected endpoint. [Hawk authentication]( is a widely used protocol for protecting API endpoints. One of Hawk's main goals is to enable HTTP authentication for services that do not use TLS (although it can be used in conjunction with TLS as well). In order to use this endpoint, select the "Hawk Auth" helper inside Postman, and set the following values: Hawk Auth ID: `dh37fgj492je` Hawk Auth Key: `werxhqb98rpaxn39848xrunpaw3489ruxnpa98w4rxn` Algorithm: `sha256` The rest of the values are optional, and can be left blank. Hitting send should give you a response with a status code of 200 OK.

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response body has json saying passed 'status'
0 Passed
1 Failed
Passed - GET - OAuth1.0 (verify signature)
200 - 235ms - 78B
OAuth1.0a is a specification that defines a protocol that can be used by one service to access "protected" resources (endpoints) on another service. A major part of OAuth1.0 is HTTP Request Signing. This endpoint allows you to check whether the request calculation works properly in the client. The endpoint supports the HTTP ``Authorization`` header. In case the signature verification fails, the endpoint provides the four debug values, * ``base_uri`` * ``normalized_param_string`` * ``base_string`` * ``signing_key`` For more details about these parameters, check the [OAuth1.0a Specification]( In order to use this endpoint, you can set the following values: > Consumer Key: ``RKCGzna7bv9YD57c`` > > Consumer Secret: ``D+EdQ-gs$-%@2Nu7`` If you are using Postman, also check the "Add params to header" and "Auto add parameters" boxes.

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response body has json saying passed 'status'
1 Passed
0 Failed
Cookie Manipulation 3 Requests
Passed - GET - Set Cookies
200 - 230ms - 41B
The cookie setter endpoint accepts a list of cookies and their values as part of URL parameters of a `GET` request. These cookies are saved and can be subsequently retrieved or deleted. The response of this request returns a JSON with all cookies listed. To set your own set of cookies, simply replace the URL parameters "foo1=bar1&foo2=bar2" with your own set of key-value pairs.

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response should be 200 or 302
1 Passed
0 Failed
the "foo1" cookie has correct value
1 Passed
0 Failed
the "foo2" cookie has correct value
1 Passed
0 Failed
response body should be valid
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - GET - Get Cookies
200 - 108ms - 41B
Use this endpoint to get a list of all cookies that are stored with respect to this domain. Whatever key-value pairs that has been previously set by calling the "Set Cookies" endpoint, will be returned as response JSON.

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
the "foo1" cookie has correct value
1 Passed
0 Failed
the "foo2" cookie has correct value
1 Passed
0 Failed
response body should be valid
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - GET - Delete Cookies
200 - 200ms - 14B
One or more cookies that has been set for this domain can be deleted by providing the cookie names as part of the URL parameter. The response of this request is a JSON containing the list of currently set cookies.

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response should be 200 or 302
1 Passed
0 Failed
the "foo1" cookie should not be present
1 Passed
0 Failed
the "foo2" cookie should not be present
1 Passed
0 Failed
response body should be valid
1 Passed
0 Failed
Utilities 7 Requests
Passed - GET - Response Status Code
200 - 99ms - 14B
This endpoint allows one to instruct the server which status code to respond with. Every response is accompanied by a status code. The status code provides a summary of the nature of response sent by the server. For example, a status code of `200` means everything is okay with the response and a code of `404` implies that the requested URL does not exist on server. A list of all valid HTTP status code can be found at the [List of Status Codes]( wikipedia article. When using Postman, the response status code is described for easy reference. Note that if an invalid status code is requested to be sent, the server returns a status code of `400 Bad Request`.

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response has valid json body
1 Passed
0 Failed
status in response body must match the one in request
1 Passed
0 Failed
Failed - GET - Streamed Response
200 - 98ms - 2.45KB
This endpoint allows one to recieve streaming http response using [chunked transfer encoding]( of a configurable length. A streaming response does not wait for the entire response to be generated on server before flushing it out. This implies that for a fairly large response, parts of it can be streamed to the requestee as and when it is generated on server. The client can then take actions of processing this partially received data.

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response has chunked transfer encoding header
0 Passed
1 Failed
Passed - GET - Delay Response
200 - 2.1s - 13B
Using this endpoint one can configure how long it takes for the server to come back with a response. Appending a number to the URL defines the time (in seconds) the server will wait before responding. Note that a maximum delay of 10 seconds is accepted by the server.

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response has valid json body
1 Passed
0 Failed
request must have a valid delay
1 Passed
0 Failed
response should take more time than the delay specified
1 Passed
0 Failed
Failed - GET - Get UTF8 Encoded Response
200 - 119ms - 15.26KB
If a response of an endpoint requires to send data beyond the basic English / ASCII character set, the `charset` parameter in the `Content-Type` response header defines the character encoding policy. This endpoint returns an `UTF8` character encoded response body with text in various languages such as Greek, Latin, East Asian, etc. Postman can interpret the character encoding and use appropriate methods to display the character set in responses.

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response has charset in content-type header
1 Passed
0 Failed
response has chunked transfer encoding header
0 Passed
1 Failed
Failed - GET - GZip Compressed Response
200 - 102ms - 472B
This endpoint returns the response using [gzip compression algoritm]( The uncompressed response is a JSON string containing the details of the request sent by the client. For this endpoint to work, one should request with `Accept-encoding` header containing `gzip` as part of its value. Postman supports gzip, deflate and SDCH decoding and automatically sends them as part of the request. HTTP Compression allows the server to send responses in a compressed format, which is uncompressed by the client before processing. This reduces network bandwidth consumption at the cost of increase in CPU usage. To know more about this, refer the [HTTP Compression]( wikipedia article.

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response has valid json body
1 Passed
0 Failed
response headers should indicate valid content encoding
0 Passed
1 Failed
requesting http client should accept compressed response
1 Passed
0 Failed
Failed - GET - Deflate Compressed Response
200 - 130ms - 463B
This endpoint returns the response using [deflate compression algoritm]( The uncompressed response is a JSON string containing the details of the request sent by the client. For this endpoint to work, one should request with `Accept-encoding` header containing `deflate` as part of its value. Postman supports gzip, deflate and SDCH decoding and automatically sends them as part of the request. HTTP Compression allows the server to send responses in a compressed format, which is uncompressed by the client before processing. This reduces network bandwidth consumption at the cost of increase in CPU usage. To know more about this, refer the [HTTP Compression]( wikipedia article.

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response has valid json body
1 Passed
0 Failed
response headers should indicate valid content encoding
0 Passed
1 Failed
requesting http client should accept compressed response
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - GET - IP address in JSON format
200 - 123ms - 22B
A simple `GET` request to return the IP address of the source request in the following `JSON` format: ```json { ip: "request-ip-address" } ```

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response has valid json body
1 Passed
0 Failed
response must return a valid ip address
1 Passed
0 Failed
Utilities / Date and Time 12 Requests
Passed - GET - Current UTC time
200 - 102ms - 29B
A simple `GET` request to `/time/now` to return the current timestamp as a UTC string. ``` Fri, 04 Nov 2016 09:00:46 GMT ```

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response time matches server response 'date' header
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - GET - Timestamp validity
200 - 109ms - 14B
A simple `GET` request to `/time/valid` to determine the validity of the timestamp, (current by default). This endpoint accepts `timestamp`, `locale`, `format`, and `strict` query parameters to construct the date time instance to check against. Responses are provided in JSON format, with a valid key to indicate the result. The response code is `200`. ``` { valid: true/false } ```

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response json should say whether request query time is valid
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - GET - Format timestamp
200 - 99ms - 15B
A simple `GET` request to `/time/format` to convert the timestamp to any desired valid format. This endpoint accepts `timestamp`, `locale`, `format`, and `strict` query parameters to construct the date time instance to check against. Responses are provided in JSON format, with a `format` key to indicate the result. The response code is `200` for valid query parameters, and `400` otherwise. ``` { format: "formatted-timestamp" } ```

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response json should say whether request query time is valid
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - GET - Extract timestamp unit
200 - 103ms - 10B
A simple `GET` request to `/time/unit` to extract the specified timestamp unit (as provided in the `unit` query parameter). The default unit returned is the `year`. This endpoint accepts `timestamp`, `locale`, `format`, and `strict` query parameters to construct the date time instance to check against. Responses are provided in JSON format, with a `unit` key to indicate the result. The response code is `200` for valid query parameters, and `400` otherwise. ``` { unit: "extracted-timestamp-unit" } ```

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response json should say whether request query unit is valid
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - GET - Time addition
200 - 107ms - 43B
A simple `GET` request to `/time/add` to add units of time to the specified / current timestamp (as provided in the `years`, `months`, `days`, `hours`, `minutes`, `seconds`, and `milliseconds` query parameters). This endpoint accepts `timestamp`, `locale`, `format`, and `strict` query parameters to construct the date time instance to check against. Responses are provided in JSON format, with a `sum` key to indicate the result. The response code is `200` for valid query parameters, and `400` otherwise. ``` { sum: "sum of (provided / current) and provided timestamps" } ```

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response json should return the added years
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - GET - Time subtraction
200 - 101ms - 50B
A simple `GET` request to `/time/subtract` to subtract units of time from the specified / current timestamp (as provided in the `years`, `months`, `days`, `hours`, `minutes`, `seconds`, and `milliseconds` query parameters). This endpoint accepts `timestamp`, `locale`, `format`, and `strict` query parameters to construct the date time instance to check against. Responses are provided in JSON format, with a `difference` key to indicate the result. The response code is `200` for valid query parameters, and `400` otherwise. ``` { difference: "difference between (provided / current) and provided timestamps" } ```

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response json should return the subtracted years
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - GET - Start of time
200 - 104ms - 45B
A simple `GET` request to `/time/start` to return a relative timstamp in the past from the specified / current timestamp (as provided in the `unit` query parameter). For instance, if the `unit` has been specified as `month`, the returned timestamp would indicate the beginning of the current month. Similar results are returned for other units of time, like: `years`, `months`, `days`, `hours`, `minutes`, `seconds`, and `milliseconds` This endpoint accepts `timestamp`, `locale`, `format`, and `strict` query parameters to construct the date time instance to check against. Responses are provided in JSON format, with a `start` key to indicate the result. The response code is `200` for valid query parameters, and `400` otherwise. ``` { start: "A timestamp from the past, depending on the `unit` specified" } ```

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response json should return the beginning of month
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - GET - Object representation
200 - 101ms - 86B
A simple `GET` request to `/time/object` to return the current / provided timestamp as a JSON object. For instance, if the `unit` has been specified as `month`, the returned timestamp would indicate the beginning of the current month. Similar results are returned for other units of time, like: `years`, `months`, `days`, `hours`, `minutes`, `seconds`, and `milliseconds` This endpoint accepts `timestamp`, `locale`, `format`, and `strict` query parameters to construct the date time instance to check against. Responses are provided in JSON format. The response code is `200` for valid query parameters, and `400` otherwise. ``` { years: 2016, months: 10, days: 10, hours: 23, minutes: 34, seconds: 20, milliseconds: 980 } ```

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response json should return the date components
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - GET - Before comparisons
200 - 107ms - 15B
A simple `GET` request to `/time/before` to check if the provided timestamps is before a comparison `target` (query parameter). This endpoint accepts `timestamp`, `locale`, `format`, `strict`, and `target` query parameters to construct the date time instance to check against. Responses are provided in JSON format, with a `before` key to indicate the result. The response code is `200` for valid query parameters, and `400` otherwise. ``` { before: true/false } ```

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response json should say timestamp is before target
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - GET - After comparisons
200 - 114ms - 15B
A simple `GET` request to `/time/after` to check if the provided timestamps is after a comparison `target` (query parameter). This endpoint accepts `timestamp`, `locale`, `format`, `strict`, and `target` query parameters to construct the date time instance to check against. Responses are provided in JSON format, with a `after` key to indicate the result. The response code is `200` for valid query parameters, and `400` otherwise. ``` { after: true/false } ```

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response json should say timestamp is not after target
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - GET - Between timestamps
200 - 145ms - 17B
A simple `GET` request to `/time/between` to check if the provided timestamp is between a range specified by the `start` and `end` query parameters. A resolution limit can also be specified by the `unit` query parameter. For instance, for a resolution `unit` of `month`, `2016-10-05` does lie between `2016-11-02` and `2016-09-01`. This endpoint also accepts `timestamp`, `locale`, `format`, `strict`, and `target` query parameters to construct the date time instance to check against. Responses are provided in JSON format, with a `between` key to indicate the result. The response code is `200` for valid query parameters, and `400` otherwise. ``` { between: true/false } ```

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response json should say timestamp is not between start and end
1 Passed
0 Failed
Passed - GET - Leap year check
200 - 101ms - 13B
A simple `GET` request to `/time/leap` to check if the provided/current timestamp belongs to a leap year. This endpoint also accepts `timestamp`, `locale`, `format`, `strict`, and `target` query parameters to construct the date time instance to check against. Responses are provided in JSON format, with a `leap` key to indicate the result. The response code is `200` for valid query parameters, and `400` otherwise. ``` { leap: true/false } ```

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response is ok
1 Passed
0 Failed
response json should say timestamp is within leap year
1 Passed
0 Failed
Utilities / Postman Collection 2 Requests
Failed - POST - Transform collection from format v1 to v2
404 - 105ms - 0B
Body Request
                      "id": "7875be4b-917d-4aff-8cc4-5606c36bf418",
                      "name": "Sample Postman Collection",
                      "description": "A sample collection to demonstrate collections as a set of related requests",
                      "order": [
                      "folders": [],
                      "requests": [
                          "id": "4d9134be-e8bf-4693-9cd7-1c0fc66ae739",
                          "name": "A simple GET request",
                          "collectionId": "877b9dae-a50e-4152-9b89-870c37216f78",
                          "method": "GET",
                          "headers": "",
                          "data": [],
                          "rawModeData": "",
                          "tests": "tests['response code is 200'] = (responseCode.code === 200);",
                          "preRequestScript": "",
                          "url": ""
                          "id": "141ba274-cc50-4377-a59c-e080066f375e",
                          "name": "A simple POST request",
                          "collectionId": "877b9dae-a50e-4152-9b89-870c37216f78",
                          "method": "POST",
                          "headers": "Content-Type: text/plain",
                          "dataMode": "raw",
                          "data": [],
                          "rawModeData": "Duis posuere augue vel cursus pharetra. In luctus a ex nec pretium...",
                          "url": ""
Body Response
There are no body response params
URL Params


response is ok
0 Passed
1 Failed
response has almost valid items
0 Passed
1 Failed
Failed - POST - Transform collection from format v2 to v1
404 - 102ms - 0B
Body Request
                      "info": {
                        "name": "Sample Postman Collection",
                        "schema": "",
                        "description": "A sample collection to demonstrate collections as a set of related requests"
                      "item": [{
                        "name": "A simple GET request",
                        "request": {
                          "url": "",
                          "method": "GET"
                      }, {
                        "name": "A simple POST request",
                        "request": {
                          "url": "",
                          "method": "POST",
                          "header": [{
                            "key": "Content-Type",
                            "value": "text/plain"
                          "body": {
                            "mode": "raw",
                            "raw": "Duis posuere augue vel cursus pharetra. In luctus a ex nec pretium..."
Body Response
There are no body response params
URL Params


response is ok
0 Passed
1 Failed
response has almost valid items
0 Passed
1 Failed
Auth: Digest 1 Requests
Passed - GET - DigestAuth Request
401 - 104ms - 12B
Performing a simple `GET` request to this endpoint returns status code `401 Unauthorized` with `WWW-Authenticate` header containing information to successfully authenticate subsequent requests. The `WWW-Authenticate` header must be processed to extract `realm` and `nonce` values to hash subsequent requests. When this request is executed within Postman, the script attached with this request does the hard work of extracting realm and nonce from the header and set it as [global variables]( named `echo_digest_nonce` and `echo_digest_realm`. These variables are re-used in subsequent request for seamless integration of the two requests.

Body Request
There are no body request
Body Response
URL Params


response code is 401
1 Passed
0 Failed
response has WWW-Authenticate header
1 Passed
0 Failed

AssertionError response body has json saying passed 'status'
AssertionError response has chunked transfer encoding header
AssertionError response has chunked transfer encoding header
AssertionError response headers should indicate valid content encoding
AssertionError response headers should indicate valid content encoding
AssertionError response is ok
AssertionError response has almost valid items
AssertionError response is ok
AssertionError response has almost valid items